mountain biking levels
Being prepared and well-suited both physically and technically is paramount for riders joining our trips. Before registering please read these riding levels to help choose the proper adventure with us. All participants are asked to complete a short rider questionnaire to ensure the right fit and to help our guides know more about the group.
Rides are classified based on how a typical trip may be experienced. Most trips can be adjusted to accommodate a harder or easier level when booked as a private. Some trips may appear in more than one category to help a rider understand the varying possibilities during the trip.
For all trips, the levels noted is the minimum level required, you can expect to be further challenged technically and physically at times during the trip.
Have been riding a mountain bike consistently for at one or more seasons and capable of controlling bike speed and direction on smooth doubletrack and rolling singletrack trails. Would embrace more riding time and would consider taking a lesson or enrolling in a camp to help prepare for the trip.
Several of our trips, when booked as a private, can be adjusted to accommodate a more novice style of riding.
Have been mountain biking consistently for two or more years, can climb and descend under control on moderately steep singletrack with loose rocks or roots. Gets out for a ride one or more times per week in a season and comfortable at a moderate sustained pace. You know when to walk a section that might be too difficult. Would embrace more riding time to train and consider taking a lesson or enrolling in a camp to help prepare for the trip.
Have been mountain biking for three or more years, confident riding all types of singletrack in all conditions (muddy, dry, loose, rock slabs). Are able to ride small drops and jumps and descend technical steep sections including rock and uneven roots as well ride at a reasonable pace for several hours and over multiple days. Can ride confidently with some exposure. You know when to walk a section that might be too difficult.
Have been mountain biking consistently for five years or more and can ride technical trails including steep sections, small jumps, small drops (one-two feet) and elevated North Shore-type sections. You can ride switchbacks confidently, rock gardens and sections with exposure. You know when to walk a section that might be too difficult.
You eat, sleep and drink all things mountain biking and have been a riding for over a decade. You ride four or more times a week in all weather and can ride all day long in challenging conditions. You can handle most any type of terrain and can handle hike-a-bike sections and navigate truly technical sections. You know when to walk a section that might be too difficult.

Big Mountain trips require a certain base level of physical fitness. As such, we don’t categorize our trips into fitness levels and the lowest fitness level required on our trips is Level 2. On our trips it’s never about riding speed, but the ability to ride at a consistent pace for several days in a row. As we’ve been suggesting for years, the fitter you are the more fun tht you’ll have.
You exercise at least once a week for an hour or more. Are comfortable riding at a relaxed pace for up to three hours a day for three consecutive days. You are able to climb up to 400 meters per day.
You exercise twice a week for an hour or more. Are comfortable riding at a sustained output and athletic pace with occasional anaerobic periods. Can ride up to four hours per day for four consecutive days. You can climb up to 600 meters twice in one day.
You exercise three times a week for an hour or more. Are comfortable riding at a sustained challenging pace with longer periods of anaerobic output. You can ride up to five hours per day for five or six consecutive days. You can climb up to 1500 meters in a day including some hike-a-bike sections.
You exercise five times (or more) a week for an hour or more. Are comfortable with sustained challenging pace including long periods of anaerobic exercise for six days in a row. Are possibly training for an event. You can climb up to 2000 meters (or more) in a day including some technical hike-a-bike sections.
You are in peak physical condition and enjoy sustained output and challenge. You can hike your bike for an hour (or more) and know how to keep yourself going for eight or more hours in a day for a week or more. You have a penchant for suffering!